This morning I went down the inner alms round route across the dam with the twins although one was missing due to his sickness. That route requires walking on gravel and the rusty metal bridge so there’s some leniency in wearing sandals. On the outer route however I decided to it the right way walk barefoot like Tan N. It was incredibly painful. I’m not sure if I should do it tomorrow nor if I have a choice as I have a flight to catch.

During the morning chanting the shoulder cloth kept falling and dragging everything else with it. Then I decided to wash it in the back area facing the river. Doing laundry by hand facing the calm river was a peaceful existence that I could really get used to. I just hope that it dries by tomorrow because it’s such a large piece of cloth.

P. came and offered some dim sum for the 11am meal. He wasn’t feeling the best so I really appreciated him coming all the way. Had a good chat with him for a while as he was the only person I’ve spoken to since ordination other than my parents. The food was good as usual so it’s not surprising that monks can gain weight especially when they don’t really do much exercise.

The evening chanting went on a bit longer than usual today, not entirely sure why. I decided to wash the top and bottoms hoping that they will be dry for tomorrow so I can wear some fresh ones on the plane, not that it’s a long flight or anything. I will have to unload some things to my parents as I really can’t go above 7kg.