The morning started off cold as usual but I’m finally starting to get into the groove of it now. The outer robe is folded to be used as a shoulder cloth during chanting and is a little irritating as it slowly slides off over time. Focus during both sitting and walking meditation was still challenging however. Hopefully it will come with time like everything else. The meal was good though as there was a large selection that could be easily eaten with the hand and it was good to get in some practice. Sticky rice was easy, normal rice less so.

While the memory of walking barefoot on the road was still fresh, it would soon be an inescapable daily occurrence. Therefore I decided to go barefoot to the walking meditation area as the route went through a tiny stretch of tarmac. The real reason though was because I felt pressured as the novice monk did it first. How could I be a more senior monk and not do it!? At the moment my left knee is completely obliterated by 2pm. If not, the Q&A session will do it.

I’m getting along with all the monks here and Buddhist monks are the kindest and most considerate group of people one could ever hope to encounter. There are some old faces as well in the crowd too but I haven’t seen them in so many years and it would be more than inappropriate to wave.

The evening meditation sessions were starting to get better. It’s amazing how much one’s body can endure the more you do something. Not that my knee has any choice if I’m going to survive the next couple of months though.