I should have changed the alms round route today but Tan M. decided to fast. I was already starving on one meal a day so I don’t know how they even manage. I volunteered to switch back to the same route that I was on before to help even out the numbers. This time though Tan T. was the lead as Ajahn S. failed to turn up. This happens from time to time.

Tan T. was way too fast. I thought I had gotten used to this route since I’d been on it for over a week but he would always take the more difficult path where the sharp stones were. Only through something like this do you realise that along a straight path there are actually a multitude of paths that one could take, some harder than others. My feet were battered by the end. He also adopted the practice where he would only eat what was offered in his bowl on the walk and didn’t take anything at the gate. It’s a more disciplined form of the practice.

Ovata was on today and was particularly interesting as the abbot reflected on recent events. Not long ago we had some school kids come to visit the monastery and he asked for volunteers to show them around but not many monks offered. A lot of the younger monks didn’t seem keen on engaging with these external matters but the abbot reminded them that it is an obligation to engage in these responsibilities as well. It was one of the few means by which the monks can connect with the laypeople outside of the alms round and goes far to help keep the religion and the practice alive. He echoed similar sentiments by Ajahn Jaya in the past about not taking any of this for granted because it could all disappear at any moment if the faith dries out. In this day and age there’s so much uncertainty and while it may be true that currently the offerings are abundant, this could change at any moment.

Water ran out of both of the middle toilet blocks so went back to the one nearest to my kuti. It was about 4pm and the frogs were already on the way out to sit on the cloth hanging pole. No surprises in the evening, no tukkaes got inside. Went and chanted an extra chant before bed which is meant to bring about a good sleep.