Around the patimokkha (so about every 2 weeks) the alms round routes are reorganised so monks are shuffled to go on different routes. Today I was moved to a route that goes to the Bung Wai train station and back again. All in all I think it’s slightly longer than Non Suan. However the worst part by far was the painful stretch in the first 15% of the walk that lasts for about 200 metres. The large sharp stones chunks inlaid in the tarmac would easily erode rubber tyres, let alone feet. Enduring that would make the rest of the walk even more painful.

After ovata a lady approached me and she looked familiar. As it turned out she was at the retreat in Chiang Mai as well and the mother of one of the monks at WPN. We had a quick conversation and she wished me well for the next few weeks as she knew exactly what I was getting into, even if I didn’t myself. Then along with the novices we were given some lessons by Ajahn R. He taught us how to prostrate with the right posture and etiquettes to do with handling and looking after the bowl. There were some blessings that he said that I should know by now so that’s where my efforts will be for the next few days. I think I was getting a slight telling off too because he said that we shouldn’t talk to any guests after ovata except for exceptional circumstances like if your own parents turned up.