Tan M. got to lead the alms round instead of me. Nen P. was out sick so it was him, me and Nen G. It wasn’t all bad in the end as he was reasonable with his path selection and pacing and took the path of least pain where possible.

The day before Wan Phra and patimokkha was also shave day so this time I asked Tan A. Last time I asked Tan S. so I didn’t want to bother him again. Tan A. was good as well. His hands did not appear as still and gentle as Tan S. but there was no bleeding in the end so just as well. Watching the newer novices do it, I don’t think I want to risk trying it as I won’t many chances to practice. These monks have been doing it for years so it was no surprise that they made wet shaving their own heads and eyebrows look effortless.

I think I found the gap in the wall back at the kuti which was letting in the tukkae. I’ve sealed it now with some small candles I found stacked on top of each other so let’s see if it will do the job.

At Sangha Tea, Ajahn R. read at length from the teachings of Ajahn Chah. There was only one tukkae back at the kuti today, but maybe it’s because I went back early and they had not come out to play yet. The babies were no where to be found but I’m mindful that they can easily get inside.