The days are getting warmer now so I must take an earlier nap otherwise it would be too hot at the kuti by 11am. Tan C. is leaving tomorrow so I had a chat with him. He gave me a long piece of string which I can now use to tie my robes to myself in the morning. Every morning straight after morning chanting, every monk would fold up their robes in various ways and then strapped or tied them to himself before proceeding with morning chores. One of the rules as a monk is to keep the main robes within reach at all times before sunrise. This will be very helpful as I had been using a long piece of cloth which was sometimes onerous to tie into a knot.

I helped him carry a stack of dhamma books back to his kuti. It was the first time at a different kuti and at first sight it looked more exposed compared to mine. However someone had used a bunch of steel wiring to block the large gaps to keep the tukkaes out. The location is better too, much closer to the central area. I might consider moving in if I find more tukkae in my room but for now I will remain where I am.