Only one month left now until I’m back in the world again. If the past month can be any indication, it should go by quickly. There are only 4 more Wan Phra or saunas to go so I need to use my time well. I’m still losing weight which is slightly worrying. I’m now at 75kg wearing just my top and lower cloth before the meal. I haven’t weighed this little since high school.

There’s been a noticeable shift in temperature and even trying to take a nap at 10:30am is hard now because it’s so warm inside. Tomorrow I think I will have to get the straw mat and try to sleep on the landing outside.

It’s Wan Phra so there was Pali-Thai chanting in the evening led by Ajahn C. and he actually asked the laypeople to speed up during the chanting because it was painfully slow. However, Tan Ajahn went to do the Q&A in English at the Bot so Ajahn C. had to give the Dhamma talk instead. He ended up taking 2 hours and my knees were positively dead by the end.