It’s taken a while, but I finally figured out that ovada doesn’t happen around Wan Phra. I always took less food because I didn’t want to be late for ovada. Now I know when we don’t have them, I can take a little more food. It might be a problem if I lose any more weight too.

The weather is getting really hot now during the afternoon and late morning. It’s impossible to stay inside the kuti itself after 11. I took the straw mat and slept on the landing outside, which wasn’t too bad. Chores were the same as usual, really tiring and almost a full body workout. Another thing I noticed was that if I bent down and up again quickly, I got very dizzy.

The evenings are also getting warm and it’s hard to not get sweaty during evening chanting. I’ve started using a small cloth to wipe myself down afterwards instead of showering to save some time and water.