I didn’t read the label properly on one of the drinks which turned out to be a yogurt that contained cow’s milk. For a Thai person to do that too. I was feeling bloated until the afternoon and it did not feel pleasant at all whilst trying to take a nap in the late morning.

I had a quick shower on the way in and found a nice meditation spot in the library. It’s cool, has seats and fans, relatively insect free and people free at the moment. I think it would be frowned upon if people found out that I was meditating there so I’ll keep it quiet for now.

In the evenings the kuti is getting warm when I return, which is slightly concerning for the night. I will try to leave a window open during the day to see if it makes any difference.

Also today was the first day that I brought a mug to the meal. I’ve always avoided it because the small cartons of milk were always more than adequate, and having an extra thing to balance on the lid of the bowl after the meal was more trouble than it was worth. However, a few drinks get made in the kitchen and I felt bad that I never received any of it without a mug. I decided to give the soya smoothie a try. I don’t think it’s made to be had on it’s own because it was way too thick and bland.

Another interesting thing were some archaic rules around food that once it is taken by novices, it must be re-offered back to monks again formerly. The end result was that it was the monks and not novices that serve out the drinks just before the meal to everyone. I’d heard some monks complain about this because the rules got changed just as they had become monks so they used to do this when they were novices and are still doing it now.