I woke up today with a massive ache on the right side of my back. It’s the first time I’ve felt this much muscle ache in a while. Rather it was something else that was hurting now and not just the soles of my feet or my knees. It looks like I will have to take the anti-inflammatory that were offered weeks ago back in Chiang Mai. I’ve taken them sparingly when it was necessary and this has only been after especially long Wan Phras. The last one was particularly painful but I thought I could tough it out and recover normally. Maybe I should have taken it then instead.

Yesterday I had a chat with Tan T. about his bowl situation and it was hilarious as he went and flicked through the Forest Sangha calendar in the bowl drying shed. He found a quote about how we shouldn’t judge others, which was exactly what we were talking about. He let out a hearty laugh as he saw it which will be hard to forget.

Just before Nam Pana a huge green iguana came and drank some leftover water from the cleaning area at the bowl drying shed. I can’t remember what an iguana is exactly but it was a big lizard and it was green. It wouldn’t budge at all even as I got near it. The body was as long as my forearm and the tail even longer. It’s the first time seeing one in this the forest and I wonder what it ate.