The day started off well enough. Mum followed on the alms round again and this time it was only myself and Tan T. It wasn’t very painful either so I must be getting used to the Non Suan route. It started to go wrong before the meal as I got a sore throat. During the meal it was very painful to swallow. Luckily I didn’t take too much food so I could finish everything. After the meal I went to cough out some phlegm. It felt better and I thought that was that. I had a nice long chat again with my parents and it didn’t feel too bad then.

They left to go home and things started to go south. I started to feel dizzy so I went back to my kuti for a rest. I napped for about an hour but then I started to feel cold sitting underneath the kuti. I knew that it was cooler than inside but I should not be feeling cold. I suddenly realised that I had a fever and wasn’t sure what to do at all.

Forest monks usually just endure it right? I was sure that it wasn’t coronavirus related but given how much it worried people right now, I should at least let a senior monk know. They will know exactly what do in these situations. Should the worst happen and he didn’t know, he would still be responsible for it. I have to let someone know.

So I left with my bag to the central area and saw Pa Kao K. and asked if he could help look for someone. He said he couldn’t find anyone but saw Nen P. who said Tan Ajahn should be in his office. I went to listen in and he was talking to someone so I waited nearby for a little bit. As I was about to pass out he came out and saw me and he knew something was wrong.

I told him of my condition. He said that he would go and get some advice first but that I should be ready to leave for the hospital at any time. Then began the gruelling walk back to my kuti to pick up everything. If I had known, I would’ve brought everything with me since the round trip would take almost twenty minutes. I almost passed out on the way back but I made sure to pick up all the robes and my bowl.

My mind started to go blank. I saw Tan Ajahn again and he took me to the hospital kuti. He must have been aware that I was nearing my limit and was trying to keep me in conversation. At the hospital kuti he put me in a room and I had a thin mattress for the first time in one and a half months. I remember just being incredibly thankful for everything.

After a while a doctor came personally to look at my condition. I told him of my symptoms and he said that it was unlikely to be the coronavirus. I got my temperature taken and it was 39.1°C. After a while, Ton came and dropped off some medicine and looked rather worried, for which I don’t blame him at all. He asked if I had told my parents and I said no, because I didn’t think it would help the current situation. I passed out after that.