Today I returned to morning chanting and it was fine. My knees really weren’t liking it and I guess I will have to get used to it for a while longer. Afterwards I did the mopping and sweeping like before, but with a sudden headache while sweeping I decided to stop, set up my meal seat and went back for an hour nap. We have a lot of time now without the alms round and the nap really helped.

After the meal I had a chat with Tan B. to clarify about the chanting book that all the foreign monks used on Wan Phra. I looked at it and wasn’t overly surprised. It was pretty confusing and not a particularly effective version of Thai-karaoke. He gave me a voice recorder to help record some Thai to English translations so they could have the voice of someone bilingual do it. I thought I would do it later since my throat was not 100% yet but I did it anyway later in the afternoon.

After cleaning my kuti I decided to check out that deck chair at the dye shed to see if I could rest comfortably in it. I was left disappointed as the neck support wasn’t there and it was getting too warm.

Given all the stuff going on, I had a chat with mum and I think it would be wise to leave a week earlier. The problem was that the government were looking to lock down travel between districts and if I don’t go now, I might be stuck here for an unknown amount of time.